Why You Should Rebalance Your Portfolio In The New Year (And Tips To Help)
We all know we’re supposed to “buy low, sell high.” That’s easier said than done, of course. But rebalancing is the next best thing. And it works…
To put it simply, rebalancing calls for bringing a portfolio back to its original asset allocation mix. If you think about it, over time some assets in your portfolio will appreciate faster than others. And let’s face it — some will even decline. Rebalancing brings your portfolio allocation back into alignment. There are a number of reasons to do this. Let’s look at a hypothetical example to better understand…
Let’s say you open an investing account. You decided that the ideal allocation for your portfolio is 50% U.S. equities and 50% bonds. (Note: The exact portfolio allocation for stocks, bonds, and cash should largely depend on your own time horizon and risk tolerance. Nobody knows your situation better than you do.)
Now, a year passes by. The stocks in your portfolio did well. But they now occupy 55% of your portfolio. This is partly due to some stocks that did well, but a few of your bond holdings also underperformed. You might be okay with this for a year. But if left unchecked over time, you may find yourself with a portfolio that is way out of whack relative to what you intended. You may check your portfolio a few years down the line, only to find it suddenly way “overweight” on equities — so much so that you’re uncomfortable owning that much in stocks.
This is why I always tell my High-Yield Investing premium subscribers that it’s a good idea to rebalance periodically. If you haven’t considered rebalancing already, a new calendar year is a great time to do it.
As referenced earlier, one way to rebalance is by selling off a little bit of your highest-performing stocks at the end of each year and scooping up shares of underperformers. Not only does this rebalance the portfolio, but it can also result in a higher portfolio yield. Let’s look at the popular Dogs of the Dow strategy to see how this works.
Meet The Dogs Of The Dow
At the beginning of the year, investors following this strategy buy the 10 highest-yielding Dow stocks. On the last trading day of the year, they sell and then buy the new highest-yielding Dow stocks.
The logic behind the Dogs of the Dow strategy is two-fold. First, it relies on the idea that the Dow Jones Industrial Average represents inherently sound stocks that will (eventually) come back. Second, those stocks’ higher-than-average dividend yields mean they are oversold.
Essentially, this strategy is a bet that the underperforming stocks with the highest yields are likely to be at or near the bottom of their business cycle, and that their currently depressed prices (and abnormally high dividend yields) won’t last. The resulting portfolio has a higher yield than the Dow.
Sounds good in theory, but does it work? Well, it depends on your timeframe. The Dogs strategy has been shown to perform well over the very long-term — but in recent years, the year-to-year performance has been inconsistent. According to DogsoftheDow.com, this ever-changing group has posted an average annual total return of 8.7% since 2000. That edges out both the larger Dow as well as the S&P 500.
The Dogs strategy may be considered “old school,” but there’s clearly something to it — and it’s worked well in the past. Oh, and in case you were wondering, here are the official Dogs of the Dow for 2023…

Source: DogsoftheDow.com
A Better “Dogs” Strategy
Now, this is all fine and good. But rebalancing requires discipline – unfortunately more discipline than most investors possess.
Luckily, there’s a solution. There are a number of exchange-traded funds (or ETFs) that follow a similar strategy. One of my favorites is the ALPS Sector Dividend Dogs ETF (NYSE: SDOG).
SDOG applies the same “dogs” concept. But instead of being limited to old-school Dow Jones companies, the fund tracks the five highest yielders within each of the 10 sectors of the S&P 500 (for a total portfolio of 50 stocks). That includes the five highest-yielding tech stocks, healthcare stocks, real estate stocks, etc.
And here’s the nice thing about SDOG… The ETF rebalances quarterly, taking whatever discipline we may (or may not) have out of the equation.
There is more to this strategy than just putting extra dividends in your pocket. Yields are equally tied to distribution levels, so you’re also investing in companies with rising cash flows that are lifting payouts.
In past years, value was out of favor compared to growth, and SDOG struggled to keep pace. The fund (which currently offers a healthy yield of 3.8%) was essentially flat last year. And while that’s not ideal, it vastly outperformed the Dow Industrials as well as the S&P 500…

As I’ve told my High-Yield Investing readers over the past few months, it looks like the tide is beginning to turn. I think value (and dividend stocks) could outperform in 2023.
Closing Thoughts
If you haven’t done so already, take a good look at your overall portfolio. Are you satisfied with the balance you have between, say, stocks and bonds? Don’t be afraid to drill down further. Take a look at your exposure to sectors, dividend payers vs non-payers, funds and more.
Thanks to the world of ETFs, investors can have a one-stop solution to getting the allocation question figured out. And funds that periodically rebalance, like SDOG, make it that much easier.
In the meantime, if you’d like to do even more to get your portfolio off to the right start this year, then consider checking out my latest research…
My latest report reveals a handful of high-yield dividend payers that I consider to be absolutely “bulletproof”. Not only do these picks hold up during any macro environment, but they consistently raise dividends year after year (on top of posting some impressive gains).