2 Massive Trends Set To Deliver Big Gains In 2021
One of the beauties of having a proven system working to deliver stock picks for you is that you begin to notice bigger trends.
After all, we all know that we have our own biases. But if the system is unbiased, and it begins to deliver picks that fall into a particular industry or theme, then you better take note.
That’s exactly been what’s happening with the Maximum Profit system. Over the years, it’s proven to be great at rooting out big trends underway and then identifying players in that trend that are poised to deliver big profits. Even better, one of the more exciting things the system delivers is companies in that trend that aren’t so obvious. The “picks and shovels” plays, if you will.
Right now, we have several industries that are flourishing. Internet of Things… fintech… 5G… autonomous driving… clean energy… gaming… e-commerce… the list goes on.
I enjoy learning about these trends – as well as the unsung heroes. And my premium readers and I have benefited greatly. But I want to talk about two major trends that I think will deliver a lot of growth this year. One of them you’ve undoubtedly heard about, but the other is a little less known…
The E-commerce Revolution Continues
First, e-commerce. We all know it is huge… and far from new. E-commerce sales now account for about 14% of all retail sales worldwide. Last year, that number jumped dramatically thanks to the health pandemic and stay at home orders.
Consumers spent $862.1 billion online with U.S. merchants in 2020, an incredible 44% surge over 2019. Worldwide that number eclipses the $4 trillion figure — larger than the entire GDP of Germany.
Over at Maximum Profit, we’ve capitalized on this trend a number of times. For instance, in 2019 we booked a quick 90% gain with e-commerce platform Shopify (Nasdaq: SHOP) in just over six months. Currently, we hold a stock I call the “Amazon of Southeast Asia.” The stock is up a whopping 345% in nine months.

Ecommerce isn’t slowing down anytime soon. I’d bet the mortgage that folks aren’t going to suddenly stop ordering things online and revert to the old way of buying things.
Companies like Shopify, Amazon, and even my “Amazon of Southeast Asia” pick are the face of this trend. They’re the obvious choices if you want to capitalize on the surging e-commerce industry.
But sometimes the players supporting these growth industries do just as well, if not better, than their more popular peers.
Plus, let’s be honest… as fun as it is to make money with the big players in the space, it’s even more fun when you can tell your friends about the less obvious choice. A company they’ve likely never heard about that’s making you a fortune.
Now, I’m not saying my most recent pick is going to do that. In fact, it is far from what most people would call “sexy.” It’s a boring company that’s become a key cog in the world of e-commerce. In fact, its product is in nearly every package that comes to your house. You toss it aside without giving it a second thought. But that doesn’t matter to this company, because it continues to rake in the cash whether you notice them or not.
2021 Will Be All About Space
You’ll be hearing a lot more about space this year… as in outer space.
I’m not just talking about space exploration or colonizing Mars, either. While those will likely grab headlines, the real space race will be about satellite infrastructure companies, and the technology surrounding the burdening task of relaying data for our insatiable appetites to surf the web, stream videos, Facetime our friends, and everything else that’s become “connected” in our world.
The space industry was largely overlooked in 2020, but it quietly garnered massive investments. In the fourth quarter of 2020 alone, investors deployed $5.7 billion into 80 space companies. That brings the full-year total to $25.6 billion.
Even heavyweights like Amazon and Microsoft accelerated their space ambitions. In the fourth quarter, Microsoft announced that its Azure cloud network will connect to SpaceX’s Starlink satellite internet, competing with Amazon’s AWS Ground Station and its Project Kuiper.
Right now, there aren’t a ton of publicly-traded companies in the space industry that we can invest in. Sure, we can get nibbles of the space industry through Microsoft or Amazon, but as far as pure plays, right now it’s somewhat limited. But you’ll see a proliferation of companies coming to market not only in 2021 but in the coming years as well.
I expect the space industry to be another massive trend that we will be pulling profits from for years to come. And hopefully, our first foray into space over at Maximum Profit will be our first profitable trade of many.
Closing Thoughts
The bottom line is that I think there will be a lot of money to be made in both e-commerce and space in 2021 (and beyond).
E-commerce will continue to grow and evolve. So this trade is far from over – but you may need to look a little deeper to find the truly big gains.
And as far as space goes, think about this… in the same way every company today is a technology company, the companies of tomorrow will be space companies in one way or another.
On a related note, if you’re looking for picks you can make today, then I encourage you to learn about my latest research into 5g technology…
You’ve no doubt heard about it by now – but what you may not know is just how revolutionary it’s going to be.
I explain this in detail in my report, and also how we’re going to use the Maximum Profit system to reap big-time gains.