How The “Next Investment Frontier” Could Make Early Investors A Killing
It’s the “last frontier” in a lot of ways… Not just in terms of exploration, but also as one of the few industries with near-unlimited potential that are still in the very early stages of development.
I’m talking about outer space.
About a year ago, I told my Capital Wealth Letter readers that sooner or later, just about every tech company will have a footprint in space.
And before you think we’re crazy, you should know that already, at this very moment, some very smart people are working on commercializing space. And I’m not just talking about Elon Musk (although he’s definitely one of them)…
Goldman Sachs calls it the “Next Investment Frontier.” Bank of America projects that TRILLIONS of dollars will flow into the space industry in the coming years. Morgan Stanley estimates “the global space industry could generate revenue of more than $1 trillion or more in 2040, up from $350 billion currently.”
I’ve spent the past year researching this emerging industry. It will take some time, but mark my words, in the not-too-distant future, we’re all going to wake up and commercialized space will be mainstream. I think it’s going to be the “next big thing” that will make early investors a killing.
In fact, I can tell you exactly how this next great investment market will play out, and how early investors can strike it rich. After all, we’ve seen the blueprint for these “next-generation” investment markets play out over and over again…
Take the personal computer space and technology as an example.
The first “computers” were the size of a garage and cost a fortune. Because of its size and price, most people didn’t think much of it, and few realized how transformative these computers would become. But as money flooded into this “new” computer market, the technology evolved — and more importantly — it became cheaper.
Personal computers continued to get smaller and eventually become more affordable for affluent households to own one. Today, you can hold that “computer” in your hand, as your smartphone or tablet has more computing power than those early generation computers. Heck, you can even buy a computer for just a few hundred bucks.
You see, as more money poured into the technology it not only became more readily available to every person in the world, but it made early investors extremely wealthy.
Just look at Microsoft (Nasdaq: MSFT) over the last 10 years — and this is well after the computer revolution was underway. But had you bought shares of Microsoft just a decade ago, you’d be up a whopping 1,000% — compared to the S&P 500’s 178%…

Not only is that a life-changing return, but it gives us a near-perfect example of exactly how investing in the space industry could play out.
Right now, for the vast majority of folks, the space industry isn’t even on their radar. And why should it be? It’s outrageously expensive to build and send rockets and satellites to space. Not to mention the fact that they could blow up or break on their way to orbit.
But just like in the early days of computers, there are a few that continue to innovate and invest in the technology to make it work. And now the space industry is gaining more and more traction with each passing month.
Institutional investors, tech companies, military firms, and other private institutions are piling money into the industry because they also know the playbook of how it could turn out and the returns that could follow.
As we head into a new year, I plan to tell readers more about the unfolding commercial space race. I’ll reintroduce some of the players that we think will dominate the market for years to come. And I may even give a sneak peek at new ideas my team and I have uncovered.
But I’ve saved my top pick for a special report that’s for premium members only — it details a small company that’s absolutely critical to Elon Musk’s latest space project (Starlink).
To get your hands on my latest research on this exciting new industry, go here now.