Our “Shocking” Predictions Report For 2022 Is Here…
It’s that time of year again, folks. If you’re a longtime reader, then chances are you know exactly what I’m talking about…
I’ll cut straight to the chase: I’m talking about our annual predictions report.
I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again. This is perhaps the most hotly-anticipated, controversial, thought-provoking thing we do as a company.
It could also be the most profitable thing you read all year.
Each year, our research team releases a detailed list of investment predictions for the coming year. Led by Jimmy Butts, Chief Strategist of Top Stock Advisor, the mandate is simple: Challenge the conventional wisdom. Think big. Pull the curtain back on the future.
There’s a reason why these annual forecasts usually end up being the most talked-about market calls we publish all year.
You won’t find bold predictions and investing ideas like this anywhere else. That’s because, to put it quite frankly, many analysts aren’t willing to go out on a limb like this. Plus, by the time you hear about these ideas in the mainstream financial media, it’s usually too late. The big gains have already been made.
Now, before I go any further, I want to be clear. We don’t have a crystal ball. Not all of these predictions will come true. But I’d put our track record up against anyone else’s… Readers who have followed our predictions in the past have seen gains of 354%, 400%, 622% and more.
In the weeks ahead, we’re going to delve into this year’s predictions in more detail. But first, I want to talk about why we do this and why we think it’s so important…
Big Gains In The Past… By Looking Into The Future
As you know, we’re in the business of publishing financial newsletters. That means we live and die by our subscription revenues. And trust me, you don’t survive in this business for long unless your ideas make money for your customers.
Now, if we were “smart,” we would play it safe and tell you to about investment ideas everybody already knows about — you know, the kinds of things you’ll hear about on CNBC or The Wall Street Journal.
But that’s just not our style. We think it’s important to alert investors to the market’s most pressing dangers and profitable opportunities. And since we’ve been doing this report for several years now, a lot of the people who first told us we were “crazy” for doing this aren’t saying that any more.
For example, one of our first prediction reports told readers about “an opportunity of enormous proportions” in the nanotech industry. The game-changing stock we pinpointed in that report shot up 354%.
Remember the Swine Flu? Before Covid, that pandemic had biotech firms working overtime. And we recommended a small biotech working on a breakthrough vaccine. Its stock went on to rise more than 400%.
A couple of years ago, we picked a “boring” title insurance provider that said would prosper from record low mortgage rates — and it soared by 774%.
Last year’s predictions were particularly lucrative. For example, we predicted that lumber prices would skyrocket in 2021. If you ever stopped by you local Home Depot last year, you know how that turned out…
We were so confident in this prediction, we even said that timber could be the “sleeper investment of the decade”. One of our picks, Rayonier (NYSE: RYN), shot up 41% on the year, easily beating the S&P 500…

Not to be outdone, we also delved into the world of cryptocurrencies last year. But instead of hopping onto the Bitcoin bandwagon, we took a different route. While cautioning that the crypto universe can be volatile, we told readers that “if you’re going to invest in cryptos, this should be it…”
That cryptocurrency was Ethereum. You can see how that turned out…

We know that cryptocurrencies might have seemed a little too “off the wall” for some of our readers. But for those readers bold enough to venture into uncharted territory and hold on through the wild ride, they were rewarded with gains of close to 400%!
These are just a few examples of the gains this report has made for readers who were willing to go out on a limb and listen to what we had to say. And this year’s report could be our most profitable yet…
A Rapidly Changing World…
Gains like these are exactly what we’re aiming for with this report. To put it simply, our goal is to uncover select opportunities that could become life-changing investments.
Of course, to identify a groundbreaking idea, you have to be forward thinking. But in order to do that, sometimes it’s worth remembering just how much innovation has taken place over the past few years…
For example, who would have thought just 10 years ago most of us would have tiny computers in our pocket or purse at nearly every waking moment — devices capable of accessing virtually all of the world’s knowledge? Needless to say, early investors in Apple came out alright on that game-changer.
I could go on and on. The point is that we’re in a brave new world… As innovation accelerates and technology advances each year, so too does the list of game-changing opportunities available to investors.
The important thing to remember is that most of us wouldn’t have thought half of this was possible a little more than a decade ago.
Who knows what the future will hold?
Well, while we can’t predict the future perfectly, we like to think we’ve got a pretty good idea.
That’s why each year, we gather our collective resources and make these predictions. Our goal is to look beyond the day-to-day moves of the market. Our goal is to look ahead — to what we like to call “the next big thing” that could change the world and make early investors a killing.
How You Can Get Your Hands On This Year’s Report
Most investors are lucky to notch a triple-digit gain every three or four years. But we think each and every one of the predictions in this year’s report has triple-digit potential.
Of course, just as not every prediction we make will necessarily come true. And some of our picks may not pan out. That’s just how it goes when you’re looking for home runs. But if you approach this report the right way — use proper position sizes, spread your bets — then you could be looking back this time next year with more than a few big wins.
We plan to cover these predictions in more detail in the future. So stay tuned.
In the meantime, to get your hands on all of these predictions, including how to profit from each and every one of them, you’ll need to check out our special report here.