This Stock Has Been A Great Long-Term Holding — But Most Investors Ignore It…
Did you know that Forbes keeps a list of the world’s most powerful brand names?
You may have heard about this, perhaps in the news. They release it each year. And honestly, it’s not a bad place to start if you’re looking for investment ideas.
Case in point, can you guess who tops the list?
Apple, of course. Coming in at $260.2 billion, the company notched a 17% gain in the estimated value of its brand over the previous year.
Many other names on the list should be familiar (although a few may surprise you):
Google… Microsoft… Amazon… Coca-Cola… Disney… Louis Vitton… McDonald’s… you get the idea.
What shouldn’t surprise you is that each and every one of these companies has delivered fantastic long-term returns to shareholders. That’s because they usually fit the criteria for what I have described as the ideal stock — the kind of holding that can be a cornerstone of your portfolio.
Here’s how I’ve put it to Capital Wealth Letter readers in the past:
If you boil it all down, our ideal stock is a company that dominates its market, provides a product or service that is essential to daily life, and returns the bulk of its cash to shareholders in the form of dividends and share buybacks.
The point is that when a company possesses strong brand power, investors should pay attention. When you can pick up these stocks at fair prices, you’re all but ensured to reap the rewards over the long haul.
Today, I want to tell you about one of my favorite “under the radar” examples of brand power. In fact, I’d bet money that you have this company’s products in your pantry — and probably have used them for years. Yet most people don’t even give this company a second thought…
A Handful Of Powerful Brands
In more than 150 countries around the globe, people know McCormick’s (NYSE: MKC) brands at first sight. It’s a global leader in flavor with brands like French’s, Billy Bee, Frank’s RedHot, Lawry’s, Old Bay, Stubb’s BBQ, Thai Kitchen, and its own McCormick line.
Most individual investors don’t realize that all those seasonings in their spice rack add up to big profits for McCormick. And that’s a shame since shares have only returned a market-beating 180% over the last 10 years, easily beating the S&P 500’s 163%.

We all know that through good times and bad, folks will continue to buy salt and pepper to give their food a little flavoring. And you could be one of the few individual investors to own this Legacy Asset.
All McCormick did over the past twelve months is crank out more than $6.3 billion in sales, $2.5 billion in profits, and $360 million in free cash flow. Not to mention it has been paying — and increasing — its dividend since 1986. In fact, it’s grown its dividend by 50% over the last five years alone.

Most individual investors have completely overlooked this company. When looking at the ownership breakdown of who owns McCormick shares, the individual investor barely even registers — 89% of shares are owned by institutions.
The everyday investor hasn’t given shares of McCormick a second thought. What a shame.
Closing Thoughts
We all know that through good times and bad, folks will continue to buy seasonings to give their food a little flavoring. It’s easy, relatively cheap, and yet people flock to what they know and like… it’s that simple.
I think MKC is a long-term “buy” up to $90 per share.
I’m sure MKC (and other stocks like it) will continue to do well for years to come. But once you have a handful of holdings like this in the core of your portfolio, then you should start looking for some ideas with even more upside potential…
That’s where my list of “shocking” investment predictions for 2023 comes in…
This is one of the most hotly-anticipated pieces of research we release each year.
We cover everything… from the U.S. dollar to driverless trucks to breakthrough cancer treatments and more. If you’re looking for ideas that could turn a modest investment into a small fortune, this is where you’ll find it.
If history is any guide, it could be one of the most profitable things you read all year…