Our 7 Best Ideas for Profiting from the Presidential Election
As this heated election nears conclusion, one thing is for certain: It’s hard to separate the lies from the truth. However, one truth remains undeniable… The challenges our country faces also present challenges for individual investors. Whether we’re talking about the “fiscal cliff,” corporate taxes, dividend taxes, inflation, energy policy… These are all issues that affect investors — but they also present opportunities to profit.
We usually try not to get too partisan here at StreetAuthority — partisanship often leads to questionable investment decisions and missed opportunities. But one simply can’t ignore the fact that there will be clear winners and losers on Wall Street depending on who occupies the Oval Office in 2013. And the investment climate will be directly affected by the policies put in place by the next president and Congress.
We’ve touched on this theme a many times in recent weeks — and we’ve also mentioned a few ideas that we think are worth investing in regardless of who’s in power. (In fact, as we’ve shown, we could actually learn a thing or two from politicians when it comes to investing, believe it or not.)
So as we near the conclusion of the election, we’ve decided to give you a brief summary of all that we’ve covered in recent weeks. If you’re interested in a particular theme or idea, feel free to click on the link, which will take you directly to the article to learn more. After careful consideration, I’ve put together this list of StreetAuthority’s seven best ideas for profiting from the Presidential election.
Take a look…
1. Obama victory good for gun stocks? Not so much… |
2. So what should you buy if Obama wins? |
3. And for a Romney victory? |
4. The energy picture |
![]() [Another important note: There’s a coming boom in the energy sector that will be so powerful, so undeniable, that neither Obama nor Romney will be able to leave it out of their energy plan. Nathan Slaughter, editor of our Scarcity & Real Wealth newsletter, calls it “the biggest story in energy.” I’m talking about the shale oil and gas boom. Nathan has written about how to profit from this story here, here, here, here and here.]
5. The “Secret Investment Tip” probably missed from the debates |
6. The “big government“ stock to buy if Obama is elected |
7. How to earn “bipartisan profits” |
![]() And let’s not forget, making a fortune is a bipartisan game. If you thought Mitt Romney was the only well-known politician who has made a fortune on Wall Street, think again. In fact, Mitt Romney, Bill Clinton… and U2’s Bono have all made a fortune with this investment. The door to this exclusive club has been shut to most regular investors for years — until recently. Again, Andy Obermueller has the details… |