Why These Highly Profitable Companies Abandoned Uncle Sam
WARNING: A Major Correction Could Begin This Week A trading prodigy is predicting the biggest stock market correction since 2008. In short, an important market event will take place on Wednesday that could trigger a freefall in stocks. He’s been tracking this situation for months. I urge you to take a few seconds to listen to what he has to say. If he’s right, the information he’s going to share could help you save your portfolio and even make money in the coming correction. Click here to find out how to prepare yourself now. Sincerely, Frank Bermea |
For many of the world’s migrants, the United States is the ideal destination.
Since its founding, the country has been dubbed “The Land of Opportunity.” Thousands flocked to the continent to settle the West, avoid famine and oppression or merely chase “The American Dream.”
This openness has led to one of the wealthiest, most successful (and diverse) civilizations in history.
But while people the world over try to move here, lately U.S. companies have been doing the opposite.
You see, corporate taxes in the United States are among the highest in the world, leading some U.S. firms to seek a new home with a lower tax bracket.

From 2012 to 2014, a string of large U.S. companies executed a maneuver called a “tax inversion” to achieve just that. This is the practice of buying a foreign competitor and relocating corporate headquarters internationally, thus adopting that country’s tax rate.
Politicians and average citizens alike were upset about the tax inversions, citing a loss of jobs and tax revenue.
Late last year the U.S. Treasury Department, responsible for collecting more than $3 trillion in annual tax revenue through the IRS, decided it was time to plug the dam.
In October 2014, the Treasury released a new set of international tax laws that curbed the financial benefits of a tax inversion.
The laws were potent enough that multiple companies abandoned their tax inversion plans. That list includes Pfizer’s (NYSE: PFE) $110 billion bid for U.K.-based AstraZeneca (NYSE: AZN) and Abbvie’s (Nasdaq: ABBV) $54 billion pursuit of Ireland-based Shire Plc (Nasdaq: SHPG).
However, there was one key loophole in the Treasury’s new laws that a small group of companies are benefitting from.
The tax laws weren’t retroactive.
Companies that had already completed tax inversions will continue to operate under the old rules.
That’s one of the reasons the last few companies that slid through the door just before the laws changed are already delivering big gains for shareholders.
Valeant Pharma (NYSE: VRX) announced a tax inversion to Canada in the spring of 2014. Mylan (NYSE: MYL), meanwhile, announced a tax inversion to the Netherlands in June of 2014. In the past year, shares of Valeant and Mylan have risen 78% and 33%, respectively. Take a look at the gains below.

This tax inversion loophole has played out favorably for both of these companies. Both were among the last tax inversions completed before the feds clamped down.
Now here’s the good news… While the stocks I just mentioned above have done well, there’s another recent tax inversion stock I’ve found that I expect to follow a similar route: Medtronic (NYSE: MDT).
It’s one of the largest medical device companies in the world, and it recently completed the biggest acquisition in the industry’s history, for a staggering $43 billion.
The move is already starting to pay off. Aside from the tax benefits, the company just pre-reported better-than-expected first-quarter results. It’s also cashing in on emerging-market growth, and it’s raised its dividends more than 25 consecutive years.
There are a host of other reasons to like this stock — more than I have the space to share with you in today’s essay. But as I recently told readers of my Income Multiplier service, shares of Medtronic are trading just below their all-time high, and I think they’re poised to continue their run.
Now, investors couldn’t go wrong with simply buying Medtronic. But that’s not what my Income Multiplier readers and I recently did.
We have already closed two winning trades with this company, but we didn’t simply settle for riding the increases in share price. Instead, we used a simple options strategy to multiply those gains. It’s the kind of strategy that can take gains made from stocks like Medtronic and exponentially increase returns.
Bottom line, Medtronic is a “buy” today. But if you want to find out more about how we plan to multiply our returns from stocks like this, then I invite you to watch this special presentation. In it, I discuss exactly how we collect such hefty gains from companies like the ones I mentioned above. To learn more about how easy multiplying your income can be, simply follow this link.