It’s like the senior prom for the aviation business: The Farnborough Air Show in the United Kingdom is a chance for companies to showcase their wares and tout their latest sales. It’s one way for industry players and investors to gauge who’s up, who’s down — and who’s out. Read More

Analyst Articles
Spurred by the Obama administration and public pressure around the world, this industry will have to change — and fast. New environmental regulations are emerging from Washington and Europe that are compelling the industry to change its ways and play a bigger role in the fight against global warming. Read More
For years, the business jet sector was one of the hottest growth areas in aviation. What a difference a global economic meltdown makes. Business jets, sometimes called private jets – or “bizjets” in industry jargon – is the term used for jet aircraft of smaller size that… Read More
Avionics is a combination of the words “aviation” and “electronics,” and that’s exactly what the word means. It entails all electronic systems used on any aircraft, whether commercial or military, fixed-wing or helicopter. Avionics encompasses communications, weather detection, collision avoidance, engine and fuel control displays – all the blinking lights… Read More
This Company is Ahead of the (Tag) Game
Don’t look now, but radio frequency identification (RFID) chips are all around you. They’re used in toll booths, at the gas pump, in retail stores and on the farm to keep track of animals. They even allow store managers to change the price of a product on the shelf with… Read More
This Company is Revolutionizing Aerospace
Composites are the most important materials to be adapted for aerospace since the use of aluminum in the 1920s. The use of these miracle materials is sweeping all sectors of aerospace. Broadly defined, composite materials represent the combination of inherently dissimilar materials, usually involving carbon, to form… Read More
Military heroes typically are made of flesh and blood, but that’s all changing. For defense strategists, pilot-less aircraft outfitted with ultra-sophisticated sensors are a vital tactic in fighting the guerilla wars of the 21st century. These so-called unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) are the darlings of reformers in the Pentagon, and… Read More