Analyst Articles

Yesterday’s earnings wrapup suggested three best bets, Caterpillar, Merck and UnitedHealth Group. All three companies exceeded expectations and posted strong gains. Caterpillar rose nearly 8%, Merck was up +6% and UnitedHealth gained 3%. The Dow and Nasdaq, by contrast, were flat for the… Read More

Early March 2009 is not only notable for its cheap stocks. It’s also the strongest the dollar has been since 2006. It’s also the strongest it will be for quite some time. At its high on March 5, it took $1.25 to buy a euro. The dollar has since lost… Read More

When it rains, it pours. And we’ll see how that bodes for the market as Wall Street is deluged with second-quarter earnings reports today, led by five Dow components during the day and culminating with results from Apple after the… Read More

“In the coming year, the Securities and Exchange Commission will complete its examination of the [nation’s rating agencies] role in rating residential mortgage-backed securities and collateralized debt obligations linked to subprime mortgage loans.” So said… Read More

Everything is relative, especially market valuation. A utility, for instance, with its steady, slow-growth business, is never going to command the earnings multiple of a rapidly growing biotech firm or high-tech upstart. That’s why it’s best to make valuation comparisons within industries. It’s also… Read More