Analyst Articles

Star banking analyst Meredith Whitney upgraded Goldman Sachs (NYSE: GS) from “neutral” to “buy,” saying she expects second-quarter earnings to be $4.65 per share compared with the average analyst estimate of $3.65. Goldman is scheduled to report earnings tomorrow before the market opens. Read More

When will the recovery come? Has it already begun? These are questions experts can answer only in hindsight. But just because no one knows exactly when the recovery will arrive doesn’t mean it’s not coming. It always has, so one can say with a fair degree of certainty that it… Read More

The American Bankers Association said consumer-credit delinquencies rose to 3.23% of all accounts in the first quarter of 2009. Delinquencies on bank-card accounts rose to 4.75%. The percentage of consumers at least 30 days late making a payment is the highest since the group began keeping records in 1974:… Read More

We’re 11 days past the July 1 deadline, and California still doesn’t have a budget in place. Democratic lawmakers and Republican Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger remain at loggerheads about a $26 billion budget shortfall. Schwarzenegger says he won’t accept any more taxes. Without a budget, the state can’t spend money. Without… Read More

Legendary pop star Michael Jackson spent exuberantly and accumulated a lot of debt during his lifetime, but one shrewd business decision might save his estate. Jackson paid $47.5 million for the rights to some of the world’s most famous musicians’ work, including the Beatles… Read More

IPO market is very thin because companies that aren’t top notch know they’ll get slammed,” says Amy Calistri, editor of StreetAuthority’s Stock of the Month, adding “In this environment, companies that aren’t the cream of the crop are wise to find capital elsewhere… Read More