David Sterman has worked as an investment analyst for nearly two decades. He started his Wall Street career in equity research at Smith Barney, culminating in a position as Senior Analyst covering European banks. While at Smith Barney, he learned of all the tricks used by Wall Street to steer the best advice to their top clients and their own trading desk. David has also served as Managing Editor at TheStreet.com and Director of Research at Individual Investor. In addition, David worked as Director of Research for Jesup & Lamont Securities. David has made numerous media appearances over the years, primarily on CNBC and Bloomberg TV, and has a master's degree in management from Georgia Tech. David Stermanon

Analyst Articles

In discussing the retail sector, I’m constantly reminded of Einstein’s classic definition of insanity: doing the same thing over and over expecting different results. This is especially applicable to consumer-electronics retailers. Historically, many of the names were typically regional players (The Wiz, Rex, CAMPO, Crazy Eddie are… Read More

For the second time in 20 years, companies are reaping the benefits of an economic scare. Back in the early 1990s, they shed costs in the face of uncertain business conditions. Hundreds of large companies deployed the phrase “corporate restructuring.” The downsizing, especially in terms of staff, ultimately led to… Read More

Many of the big U.S. banks have already reported their financial results for 2011. The overall reports were quite impressive, considering that just three years ago there were major concerns that a number of them wouldn’t be able to survive the credit crisis. The recent financial reports… Read More

With such a slow economic recovery in the United States, many states are getting creative in how to increase their tax bases. Politicians read the news headlines and are well aware that gambling has taken off in parts of Asia, including Macau and Singapore. Current estimates are that Macau’s gaming… Read More