Analyst Articles

I think we’re near a tipping point. The day to watch is June 30. Months, even years later, we might all look back upon that day as when things started to change. #-ad_banner-#If you’ve followed the news lately, you already know what happens on… Read More

The best way to make money investing is to know something’s going to pay off before it actually does. But that’s impossible, no one can predict the future, right? Not per se, but occasionally there are early signs, right there for all of us to see, that… Read More

Preparing a company for its public debut on the stock market is a long and arduous process. The numbers need to be checked and checked again, dozens of meetings with potential investors need to be arranged, and a virtual mountain of paperwork needs to be reviewed by regulators. So when… Read More

Investing in smaller companies can offer individual investors many important advantages. Perhaps the most important of all is that these companies can grow very quickly, since it doesn’t take much for new sales and profits to make a big impact on overall growth. Many stocks with small market capitalizations also… Read More

The market’s rough patch has recently knocked many stocks from their 52-week highs. Even the companies that are performing well are drifting ever lower, but the companies that have dared to stumble this spring are really taking a beating. One false move and they wake up to a share price … Read More