Retirees are usually much more concerned with income than growth, but this doesn’t mean they should avoid investing in stocks. In fact, most financial advisors encourage retirees to have at least some stocks in their investment portfolios, not only to help offset inflation… Read More
Tim Begany is an experienced investor and financial journalist who has written about many financial topics including stocks, bonds, mutual funds, international/emerging markets, retirement and insurance. He worked at several financial planning and investment advisory firms, where he participated in the development and management of stock, bond, and mutual fund portfolios and helped clients with comprehensive financial planning. His education includes a bachelor's degree in business administration and the Certified Financial Planner curriculum. He holds a Series 65 investment consultant license.
Analyst Articles
The 2 Best Stocks to Play China’s Amazing Growth
Behind every obvious economic boom there’s a less-obvious boom. The story with China is no different. It easily got back into its pre-recession growth-groove once it was clear the global recession was easing, but it couldn’t have done so without help from these two… Read More
To paraphrase a frequently-cited Warren Buffett quote, it’s only when the tide goes out that you can see who has been swimming naked. To build on his analogy, the financial tide went out quickly during the credit crisis and left many banks without the proper swimming attire to make it… Read More
My Top 5 Game-Changing Cancer Stocks
These five stocks are true game changers in their industry and could also generate serious gains... Read More
Growing up, I spent most of the summer at the neighborhood tennis and swim club. July 4th was a special day and featured the club’s summer tennis tournament, a cookout and fresh watermelon giveaway. There were also pool games. For me, the highlight of the day was what I called… Read More
Here’s Why the Bulls Could be Wrong About Dell
Michael Dell is surely heaving a sigh of relief. His efforts to revamp his namesake computer company had received little respect on Wall Street, but since last Labor Day, analysts are finally warming up to the stock. Shares have risen more than 30%, and some analysts speak bullishly about… Read More
Jim Rogers is a man well known for his strong opinions, direct manner and accuracy. Although sheepish at times regarding his “market timing” skills (he routinely says he’s a “terrible market timer”), his record tells a different story. As a partner of legendary… Read More
3 Recent IPOs that Could Soar
Imagine showing up to a party and find you’re the only one in the room. This is the lonely feeling many companies experience when they complete their initial public offering (IPO). These companies spend a great amount of energy preparing for their debut,… Read More
This 7.5% Yield just got a LOT Safer
In most cases, a stock with a high dividend yield is of great appeal to income investors. However, a stock with an above-average dividend payout could also mean investors have knocked the share… Read More
After surging for nearly two years, the stock market appears to have reached a plateau. Every time the S&P 500 makes a move to surpass its two-year high of 1,370, it falters anew. Whether it can finally breach that mark and move up another 20% or 30% will be decided… Read More