Ask me to analyze an insurance company and I can, to borrow a phrase from the sports world, generally write the story on the way to the ballpark. In that business, one hardly needs an MBA from Wharton to get a sense of the company’s position, performance and potential. Other companies can be a lot more difficult to shoehorn into one opening sentence. –Recommended Link– We’re About To Go Live… Today at 1 p.m. EST, Andy Obermueller is going to hit the stage and go public with the most exciting situation he’s… Read More
Ask me to analyze an insurance company and I can, to borrow a phrase from the sports world, generally write the story on the way to the ballpark. In that business, one hardly needs an MBA from Wharton to get a sense of the company’s position, performance and potential. Other companies can be a lot more difficult to shoehorn into one opening sentence. –Recommended Link– We’re About To Go Live… Today at 1 p.m. EST, Andy Obermueller is going to hit the stage and go public with the most exciting situation he’s come across in his 20-year career. That’s just a few hours from now. Don’t miss what he’s calling the most lucrative situation he’s ever found. He predicts a 2,255% gain on this one. Register right now, and you won’t miss a thing. Not because they’re hard to figure out. I find the trouble is sometimes there is So Much to Tell that I just can’t decide where to start. I guess that’s a pretty good problem to have, and it is the problem I ran into with the nifty little company came across in the fascinating… Read More