The United States has a big problem. It may seem like a nice problem to have, but it’s a serious problem nonetheless. Our country simply has too much natural gas on its hands. #-ad_banner-#Thanks to the shale gas revolution, tapping into productive new seams has become quite easy for the hundreds of public and private gas producers around the country. But as I remind readers of my newsletter, Scarcity & Real Wealth, just as scarcity creates wealth, abundance creates the opposite effect. Many firms are curtailing their natural gas production plans because prices are just too low, mothballing previously active… Read More
The United States has a big problem. It may seem like a nice problem to have, but it’s a serious problem nonetheless. Our country simply has too much natural gas on its hands. #-ad_banner-#Thanks to the shale gas revolution, tapping into productive new seams has become quite easy for the hundreds of public and private gas producers around the country. But as I remind readers of my newsletter, Scarcity & Real Wealth, just as scarcity creates wealth, abundance creates the opposite effect. Many firms are curtailing their natural gas production plans because prices are just too low, mothballing previously active drilling platforms. Of course, the greatest panacea to flagging prices is higher demand. Industry players are now drawing up plans to utilize natural gas in new ways. In addition to its already-strong presence in the power generation industry, natural gas is also becoming a key player in our nation’s export picture, and can even be found in more trucks that have been retro-fitted to use natural gas a fuel. Yet there’s another potentially huge source of demand that is just now coming into focus. It’s called gas-to-liquids (GTL), and by some estimates could generate so much demand for natural gas… Read More