Analyst Articles

Many of the top hedge fund managers on Wall Street have written books, sharing with readers stories and broad ideas about their investing philosophy, but there’s one Wall Street titan I like to follow that has gone a step further. This man has shared the methods and research-driven strategies he’s used to climb to the top of the hedge fund world. And I think investors could learn a thing or two from what’s made him so successful. I’m talking about trading using Toby… Read More

Many of the top hedge fund managers on Wall Street have written books, sharing with readers stories and broad ideas about their investing philosophy, but there’s one Wall Street titan I like to follow that has gone a step further. This man has shared the methods and research-driven strategies he’s used to climb to the top of the hedge fund world. And I think investors could learn a thing or two from what’s made him so successful. I’m talking about trading using Toby Crabel’s secrets. He’s a well-known hedge fund manager of Crabel Capital Management, which has more than $3 billion in assets under management.#-ad_banner-# Crabel’s book, “Day Trading With Short Term Price Patterns and Opening Range Breakouts,” was written before he found success, but it contains several highly effective methods still used today. This book is no longer in print — the remaining copies can sell for more than $1,000 when it rarely appears on eBay. Personally, I have learned a great deal from Crabel’s book. Read More