Analyst Articles

While modern-day investing can’t be considered easy, it’s not necessarily difficult either. The secret to success is usually just avoiding the small mistakes that end up costing big bucks.  With this in mind, here are the five most common pitfalls investors should make a point of avoiding no matter how… Read More

Interest rates, as measured by 10-year U.S. Treasury rates and a number of other interest rates, have been declining for more than 30 years. As the chart below shows, interest rates move in trends that last for decades. Eventually, this trend will reverse as all trends do, and while it… Read More

Although 2012 isn’t quite over yet, we’re now close enough to 2013 to start thinking about the bigger themes that are going to make for investment-worthy stocks in the coming year. Five of them are apt to become particularly strong trends. Here they are… 1. Mobile payments   The idea… Read More

There’s nothing like a visit to a foreign country to give you a sense of how well, or how poorly, that country is doing economically. Speaking with the “man on the street,” reading the local newspapers, and getting a feel for how citizens perceive their economic situation usually is much… Read More

I’ve been glued to the news this entire election season, but one heated exchange at the second presidential debate between President Barack Obama and Gov. Mitt Romney piqued my curiosity. Here it is from the Washington Post’s full transcript, edited to show concisely a portion of their conversation about… Read More