Lisa is a stock analyst with nearly 25 years of investment research experience. She earned a MBA in Finance from the University of Chicago in 1987 and began her career in investment research that same year as part of the equity research team at Kemper Financial Services. In 1989, Lisa joined the Financial Relations Board, a large investor relations consulting firm, rising to the position of director of financial analysis.
During her tenure with FRB, Lisa was a consultant to Boston Market, MGI Pharma, Devon Energy and other Fortune 1000 companies. In 2000, Lisa left to become director of investor Relations for a NYSE-listed REIT, serving in that position until the REIT was acquired. Since then, Lisa has worked as a stock analyst for independent research firms, investment newsletters and financial websites.
Analyst Articles
The debt crisis in Europe is dominating the headlines this summer, roiling the world financial markets and keeping investors in a perpetual state of fear. The news focuses mainly on a handful of countries that have huge debt loads such as Greece and Italy, but stock markets on both sides… Read More
Platinum hasn’t been this cheap in 20 years… Right now, you can buy an ounce of platinum for $1,480. With gold trading around $1,620/oz, this means you can buy one of the rarest metals on Earth for almost 10% less than the price of gold… Take a look at the… Read More
Whenever a company decides to pursue a growth-through-acquisition strategy, investors grow concerned. The payoff can be rapid growth and investors are certainly happy whenever that happens, but the risks are significant. Execution must be perfect, or hoped-for synergies will simply fail to materialize. If that happens, then the stock could… Read More
I think it’s one of the market‘s biggest missed opportunities. Every day, millions of U.S. investors are missing out on the world’s highest-yielding securities. That’s because the vast majority of the world’s highest-yields aren’t found in the United States. Read More
I want to change how you think about the stock market. Let me explain… In the course of a month, we receive an enormous amount of emails from subscribers. And we read every single one of them. Read More
Natural gas prices have been depressed for just a few years, but it feels like a lot longer. Numerous analysts (myself included) have tried to spot the bottom for this clean, abundant energy source, angling for the moment when supply comes down to… Read More
When the market is shocked with breaking news, prices move very quickly. For example, there was shock in the agriculture markets two weeks ago when the USDA slashed its forecast for a key agricultural commodity that is… Read More
Even though we all track a select group of stocks on a regular basis, we still need to keep one eye on everything else happening in the investing sphere. Actions at another company may help to support — or erode — our confidence in a stock we’ve been tracking. For… Read More
A few weeks ago, I bought four ounces of gold for $1,000. I didn’t go to a coin store, get some special deal, or use some “insider” secret… In fact, you can get the exact same deal I got. Let me explain… #-ad_banner-#IFor the past several months, the U.S. dollar… Read More
Could trash soon be the source of 10% of America's energy? Yes -- and there are big gains to be made. Read More