Are you looking to buy a new car? Don’t pay cash. A 48-month loan for a new car is currently just 2.58%, according to That’s below the historical rate of inflation (going back over the past half century). By the time your loan is paid off in four years, the inflation rate could exceed that 2.58% rate, meaning your real borrowing costs would actually be less than zero percent.#-ad_banner-# But don’t wait too long. Interest rates have begun… Read More
Are you looking to buy a new car? Don’t pay cash. A 48-month loan for a new car is currently just 2.58%, according to That’s below the historical rate of inflation (going back over the past half century). By the time your loan is paid off in four years, the inflation rate could exceed that 2.58% rate, meaning your real borrowing costs would actually be less than zero percent.#-ad_banner-# But don’t wait too long. Interest rates have begun to rebound and are expected to rise gradually higher over the next few years. That auto loan rate will likely be closer to 5% in a few years. In fact, this issue is probably being discussed in boardrooms at the top auto companies and just about any firm that relies on low-cost loans to spur demand. Corporate executives realize that consumer confidence and spending trends remain challenged, even with the aid of low interest rates. Read More