Investing Basics

It’s every investor’s dream. And this one came true… For lucky shareholders in this formerly tiny maker of automated medicine dispenser machines, last November’s election changed everything. No, not that election. And, no, not just any medicine.#-ad_banner-# I’m referring to the state ballot in Massachusetts… along with a medical treatment… Read More

The most important thing to know as an investor is that the future is uncertain. No matter what kind of analysis and forecast study is conducted, the future is always a mystery. But there are rules of thumb investors can rely upon when it comes to forecasting the future course… Read More

Bill Gates has a secret. It’s something very few people know. For the most part, only those who closely follow his business or work with him are aware of this secret. As the second wealthiest person on Earth, with a net worth… Read More

My dad has been running our family farm in northern Illinois for more than 40 years. I grew up riding tractors, feeding cows and running through cornfields, though admittedly I never took to the business of farming. Growing up on the farm, I knew one thing for certain: Every single… Read More

Bill Gates has a secret. It’s something very few people know. For the most part, only those who closely follow his business or work with him are aware of this secret. As the second wealthiest person on Earth, with a net worth of about $65 billion, Gates stepped down from the lead role at Microsoft (Nasdaq: MSFT) a few years ago to dedicate his life to philanthropy. He is already credited with giving away nearly $30 billion through the Bill and Melinda Gates’ Foundation — the largest transparently operated nonprofit foundation in… Read More

Bill Gates has a secret. It’s something very few people know. For the most part, only those who closely follow his business or work with him are aware of this secret. As the second wealthiest person on Earth, with a net worth of about $65 billion, Gates stepped down from the lead role at Microsoft (Nasdaq: MSFT) a few years ago to dedicate his life to philanthropy. He is already credited with giving away nearly $30 billion through the Bill and Melinda Gates’ Foundation — the largest transparently operated nonprofit foundation in the world. The foundation has noble goals of easing poverty and enhancing health care worldwide. It is estimated this foundation will have saved 8 million lives by 2020. The Gates Foundation is so well respected that other well-known executives are also part of it. Warren Buffett, for instance, sits on the board of directors and has pledged the majority of his wealth to the cause. You can’t get much better of an endorsement than from the Oracle… Read More