Investing Basics

An unprecedented level of industrial expansion during the past two decades has not only made China wealthy. It’s made the country really dirty. Now comes the clean up. Years of industrial growth, largely powered by coal, have left China choking in smog. Cities smolder… Read More

Today we conclude our three-part series examining the companies with the biggest bank accounts, and whether they are worthwhile investments for the upcoming New Year.   Company (Ticker) Cash/Near Cash General Electric (NYSE: GE) $61.4 Billion Berkshire Hathaway (NYSE: BRK-B) $26.9 Billion Ford (NYSE: F) $25.8 Billion Merck (NYSE: MRK)… Read More

Cash, they say, is king. If that’s true — and after the financial crisis we can all agree that it is — then these 10 companies must be the masters of the universe.  Company (Ticker) Cash/Near Cash General Electric (NYSE: GE) $61.4 Billion Berkshire Hathaway (NYSE: BRK-B)… Read More

Short sellers have big stature on Wall Street. The “short” part doesn’t have anything to do with their physical height but it has much to do with their psychological and practical approach to the market. While most investors buy stocks to benefit from rising prices, shorts sell… Read More

If you couldn’t tell from a quick scan at your local supermarket, it’s not uncommon for a handful of companies to dominate a specific product category. Companies talk about all types of business objectives, from R&D spending to supply chain initiatives to product development. But at the end of the… Read More

The most valued company in the United States? If you guess Coca-Cola (NYSE: KO) or ExxonMobil (NYSE: XOM) or Berkshire Hathaway (NYSE: BRK-A), you’re way off. Hint: This company been around since 1851 and does business in nearly every town in the world. Another hint: A band called The Five Americans made… Read More