Rumors have circulated for decades that Albert Einstein once said that compound interest is the “eighth wonder of the world.” While there is no real evidence the famed theoretical physicist ever made the quote, the idea that compound interest is the most powerful force in investing rings true. —Recommended Link— Generate $40,653 Per Year (Starting Tomorrow) Here’s a brief tip on making sure you never run out of spending money. It’s called “Social Security Insurance.” Once you’ve got it, Social Security could go belly-up and it wouldn’t affect your payout one bit. My clients are generating an average of… Read More
Rumors have circulated for decades that Albert Einstein once said that compound interest is the “eighth wonder of the world.” While there is no real evidence the famed theoretical physicist ever made the quote, the idea that compound interest is the most powerful force in investing rings true. —Recommended Link— Generate $40,653 Per Year (Starting Tomorrow) Here’s a brief tip on making sure you never run out of spending money. It’s called “Social Security Insurance.” Once you’ve got it, Social Security could go belly-up and it wouldn’t affect your payout one bit. My clients are generating an average of $40,653 per year this way… deposited directly into their account every month. Check it out here. For novice investors, compound interest is ‘interest on interest.’ It’s based on the idea that interest earned on a sum of money is reinvested back into the principal to earn additional interest in the future. Thus, if an investor were to leave their interest to earn additional interest over a long period, a sum of money will grow exponentially — especially in the latter years. The following chart illustrates the wonder of compound interest compared to simple interest. Here, an investor earning… Read More