It’s official, folks. We’ve got ourselves a good, old fashioned market correction. After losing 1,175 points last Monday, The Dow fell into correction territory on Thursday by crossing a level 10% below its January high. Talk about a crazy week. Now, I still stand by what I said last week. Take a deep breath… and remember that corrections are simply functions of normal, healthy markets. There’s no reason to be gravely concerned about the health of the economy or the global market. Earnings are growing. Taxes are falling. Jobs are plentiful. Wages are even rising a bit. So what’s happening?… Read More
It’s official, folks. We’ve got ourselves a good, old fashioned market correction. After losing 1,175 points last Monday, The Dow fell into correction territory on Thursday by crossing a level 10% below its January high. Talk about a crazy week. Now, I still stand by what I said last week. Take a deep breath… and remember that corrections are simply functions of normal, healthy markets. There’s no reason to be gravely concerned about the health of the economy or the global market. Earnings are growing. Taxes are falling. Jobs are plentiful. Wages are even rising a bit. So what’s happening? —Sponsored Link— ‘Wholesale Crypto’ Method Could Double Your Money In 3 Clicks… What if there was a way to double your money almost instantaneously… In just three clicks, you can buy almost any cryptocurrency at a steep discount. You could double or triple every dollar you invest… You just have to know what currencies to target, and when to target them… So if you’ve ever thought, “it’s too late to get into cryptocurrencies,” then this is a real chance for you to make your millions. Watch the following presentation to learn… Read More