For novice investors it’s always the hardest part: where do you begin? But it’s not only novice investors that have this problem. No matter where an investor falls on the learning curve, it’s tough to know what stock to buy, which strategy to pursue or which retirement account to use. Even the basics can be overwhelming for somebody new to the market. Should you invest in a Roth IRA, Traditional IRA, Simple IRA, SEP IRA, Uni-401(k), Mutual Funds, ETFs, stocks, bonds? The list goes on… Investors are literally inundated with options. And if you go to a financial advisor, most… Read More
For novice investors it’s always the hardest part: where do you begin? But it’s not only novice investors that have this problem. No matter where an investor falls on the learning curve, it’s tough to know what stock to buy, which strategy to pursue or which retirement account to use. Even the basics can be overwhelming for somebody new to the market. Should you invest in a Roth IRA, Traditional IRA, Simple IRA, SEP IRA, Uni-401(k), Mutual Funds, ETFs, stocks, bonds? The list goes on… Investors are literally inundated with options. And if you go to a financial advisor, most require at least $50,000 and can charge outrageous fees. Most investors start out with a few hundred bucks and stuff it in a savings account, earning next to nothing, simply because they don’t know what else to do with it. #-ad_banner-#These were the shoes Matthew Michaels, a young father who works here in the StreetAuthority office, was in when his grandparents gave his two young daughters money for Christmas last year. At first, he figured he’d use the money to buy more diapers and onesies, but after talking it over with his wife, they decided to invest it for their… Read More