Derivatives are simply investments that trade based on the price of something else. In other words, the price of a derivative is “derived” from something else. #-ad_banner-# Often that something else is an index, a stock or an exchange-traded fund (ETF). While derivatives can be customized and complex, there are also “plain vanilla” derivatives, and this variety includes ordinary call options and put options on stocks and ETFs. An option is a derivative because the price of the option is based on the price of the underlying stock or ETF. Options give… Read More
Derivatives are simply investments that trade based on the price of something else. In other words, the price of a derivative is “derived” from something else. #-ad_banner-# Often that something else is an index, a stock or an exchange-traded fund (ETF). While derivatives can be customized and complex, there are also “plain vanilla” derivatives, and this variety includes ordinary call options and put options on stocks and ETFs. An option is a derivative because the price of the option is based on the price of the underlying stock or ETF. Options give buyers the right to buy (in the case of a call option) or sell (with puts) a stock or ETF at a predetermined price (the strike price) before the option expires. Options are typically used to leverage a move in an underlying stock or ETF, and they can potentially be used to provide portfolio insurance for individual investors. In order to understand the costs and potential benefits of portfolio insurance, we will use an example. Imagine an investor with an account worth $10,000 invested entirely in the stock market. If the investor believes that stocks are… Read More