Value Investing

There’s a drama unfolding in the health care field that is as dramatic as the daytime soap operas. Lots of “he said, she said” has been tossed around, and just to add a little spice, a “bete noire” has also appeared on the scene to cause trouble. If this drama plays out a certain way, then shareholders of one or two of the companies involved may see a big windfall. The drama began back in 2006 when little-known Pharmathene (NYSE: PIP) sued Siga Technologies (Nasdaq: SIGA) for damages stemming from a broken business deal. Pharmathene had loaned… Read More

There’s a drama unfolding in the health care field that is as dramatic as the daytime soap operas. Lots of “he said, she said” has been tossed around, and just to add a little spice, a “bete noire” has also appeared on the scene to cause trouble. If this drama plays out a certain way, then shareholders of one or two of the companies involved may see a big windfall. The drama began back in 2006 when little-known Pharmathene (NYSE: PIP) sued Siga Technologies (Nasdaq: SIGA) for damages stemming from a broken business deal. Pharmathene had loaned Siga money to fund research into a vaccination against smallpox. The loan was presumed to be an interim step before the two firms eventually merged. At a minimum, Pharmathene hoped to at least be granted rights to Siga’s drug, known as ST-246. The two firms had even drawn up documents that appear to imply a merger discussion was the eventual expected result. Siga appeared to eventually lose interest in any deal, figuring that it no longer needed Pharmathene’s stronger balance sheet to help fund the… Read More

Oil and gas drillers have really perked up in the year or so since the Deepwater Horizon oil spill sloshed about 200 million gallons of crude into the Gulf of Mexico. As a group, these stocks have returned nearly 45% in the past 12 months and are up almost 6%… Read More

There is a current raging debate about the merits of government support for Big Oil compared with support for clean-energy technologies such as wind and solar power. The clean-energy crowd is adjusting to a world of fewer government subsidies, but these “green” advocates insist that wind, solar and other technologies… Read More

Despite the market’s miserable performance during the past five weeks, corporate earnings as well as the overall economy have been improving on a quarter-to-quarter basis since mid-2009. The growth pace may be slowing now, but progress is still being eked out. Interestingly though, a few… Read More