Value Investing

#-ad_banner-#Coffee chains like Starbucks (Nasdaq: SBUX) get the lion’s share of press when it comes to the $7 billion fresh coffee market. And up until now, the company has focused primarily on the chain’s retail side of the coffee business. What investors haven’t realized is that 86% of coffee drinkers… Read More

Big Oil is accustomed to a high return on investment (ROI). It makes some sense. After all, it costs millions to drill a conventional oil well and hundreds of millions to drill offshore, with no guarantees. With that in mind, it would be foolish… Read More

For many decades, it was pretty easy to analyze bank stocks. You simply needed look at their balance sheets and where we stood in the economic cycle. In tougher economic times, banks stocks typically traded right down to tangible book value, as that was… Read More

In a rising market, bad news for a company can be shrugged off as investors focus on the positives. But in recent weeks, investors have been less forgiving, meting out punishment to any company that delivers bad news. Let’s take a look at all of the companies that have lost… Read More

Have you ever wondered what it would be like to trade stocks alongside corporate insiders? There is a way you can do this — and it is perfectly legal. Information about insider share purchases and sales is readily available to anyone who wants to view it. That’s because corporate officers,… Read More

In the past few years, we’ve discussed the importance of catalyst investing. This involves clearly identifiable events that, if they come to pass, the they’ll propel a stock sharply higher. Here are a handful of stocks that could strongly benefit… Read More

Risk equals return. It’s one of the most widely-held maxims in investing and, if you look at the numbers, the sentiment rings true. Stocks have returned about 9.5% a year since 1926, according to Ibbotson & Associates, clearly better than the roughly 5.5% return bonds have delivered annually during that… Read More

The “Dogs of the Dow” strategy consists of buying a basket of the cheapest stocks out of the 30 components of the Dow Jones Industrial Average. One of the more popular strategies in recent years has been to buy Dow stocks with the highest… Read More

If you’re seeking worthy biotech stocks, don’t let the industry’s high price-to-earnings (P/E) ratio of 28 deter you. Though generally expensive, the biotech sector still has great values. In fact, there are biotech stocks with P/E ratios less than half the… Read More