Value Investing

If you’re an executive at a struggling retailer, then you’ve been warned. Either come up with a way to turn the ship around, or get ready for investors to make life quite difficult. In this tough economic climate, investors are in no mood to hold on to any retail stock… Read More

Whenever a company decides to pursue a growth-through-acquisition strategy, investors grow concerned. The payoff can be rapid growth and investors are certainly happy whenever that happens, but the risks are significant. Execution must be perfect, or hoped-for synergies will simply fail to materialize.  If that happens, then the stock could… Read More

During the past two decades, management teams at virtually every major U.S. company have identified plans to move into foreign markets. Whereas in terms of population and purchasing power, the European market offers the same opportunity as the U.S. market,… Read More

As I recently noted, there is ample reason for investors to use caution right now, so selling winners looks like a sound move. At the same time, we’re also being presented with opportunities to redeploy cash into vastly oversold stocks. I track a wide number of stocks, and a number… Read More