Value Investing

If you’re a fan of investment genius Warren Buffett or a shareholder of Berkshire Hathaway (NYSE: BRK-B), then by now you’ve certainly heard his investment management company started accumulating stakes in General Motors (NYSE: GM) and Viacom (Nasdaq: VIAB) last quarter. And it makes sense. One is an old-school auto manufacturer getting back on its feet, while the other owns some of TV viewers’ favorite cable channels. Both businesses are easy to understand and both are based on relatively reliable business models. These qualities are right up… Read More

If you’re a fan of investment genius Warren Buffett or a shareholder of Berkshire Hathaway (NYSE: BRK-B), then by now you’ve certainly heard his investment management company started accumulating stakes in General Motors (NYSE: GM) and Viacom (Nasdaq: VIAB) last quarter. And it makes sense. One is an old-school auto manufacturer getting back on its feet, while the other owns some of TV viewers’ favorite cable channels. Both businesses are easy to understand and both are based on relatively reliable business models. These qualities are right up Buffett’s alley, even though one or both of the two new illustrious members of his investment team — Todd Combs or Ted Weschler — likely made the picks. Yet, for investors looking to glean a stock pick, GM and Viacom may not be the best Berkshire coat-tails to ride — they’re just the highest-profile names being added to the $75 billion equity portfolio. Your best Buffett-based picks may actually be a trio of companies whose stakes he increased during the first quarter of the year. Here’s a closer look at them…… Read More

Here at StreetAuthority, we often talk about “catalyst investing.” Simply put, it’s not enough to find stocks that are inexpensive — hundreds of stocks can bubble up on various value screens. This often leads to the question “Why now?” After all, will this stock… Read More

Back in January, I highlighted that state and local governments were starting to turn to legalizing gambling to shore up their tax bases. Since then, the activity has only increased. Massachusetts recently held a forum to hear arguments on why it should develop casinos, and Maryland set up a… Read More