Value Investing

Many of you invest right alongside me and my $100,000 Real-Money Portfolio. And since your money is at stake here, along with the $100,000 in real money that StreetAuthority has given me to invest, I’m constantly monitoring my holdings. As some of you may have noticed, there’s… Read More

Unless you frequent our website,, I’d guess you’ve never heard of David Sterman. That’s about to change… Dave has worked as an investment analyst for nearly two decades. He started his career in equity research at Smith Barney, culminating in a position as… Read More

Investing in any recent initial public offering (IPO) carries one obvious risk: You may be buying as insiders and underwriters are getting set to sell. By federal law, these folks are “locked up,” prevented from selling stock for 180 days after the… Read More

For the second time in 20 years, companies are reaping the benefits of an economic scare. Back in the early 1990s, they shed costs in the face of uncertain business conditions. Hundreds of large companies deployed the phrase “corporate restructuring.” The downsizing, especially in terms of staff, ultimately led to… Read More

The key to finding a winning investment involves a degree of far-sightedness. You need to anticipate what a company’s financial results may look like 12-18 months from now, even as Wall Street analysts base their projections on the next quarter’s results. The key is… Read More

The stock market is surely unpredictable. My prediction that LED lighting manufacturer Cree Inc. (Nasdaq: CREE), one of the stocks in my $100,000 real-money portfolio, would meet or exceed fiscal second-quarter estimates, turned out to be off the mark. The company trailed both top and bottom line forecasts,… Read More

Regular readers of my articles know that I spend most of my time in search of undervalued mid-sized and large companies. There are so many bargains in the S&P 500 alone, that it simply hasn’t paid to spend too much time on small — and risky — stocks in recent… Read More