Value Investing

Since the fall of last year, investors have sent most financial stocks plummeting, regardless of the underlying strength of the firm’s business prospects. But what has been a period of unadulterated selling so far could spell big opportunity for smart investors who buy… Read More

When Apple’s (Nasdaq: AAPL) engineers first dreamed up the concept of the iPad — perhaps the most important computer product in a decade — they had to rethink every aspect of its design. To make a very thin, lightweight, powerful device would have been hard to pull… Read More

Executives at chip-equipment maker Lam Research (Nasdaq: LRCX) pulled off a masterstroke this week. A decision to buy Novellus Systems (Nasdaq: NVLS) has the makings of a “home  run,” according to Citigroup. Why? Because the acquisition may boost Lam’s… Read More

Just because you develop a popular new technology, there’s no guarantee you can control its destiny. Digital video recorder (DVR) pioneer Tivo (Nasdaq: TIVO) convinced cable companies it’s program-recording devices would revolutionize viewing habits, as it was far more functional than a plain-old… Read More