Value Investing

“Stick your neck out and it will get chopped.” That notion is widely known among Wall Street analysts. They realize it’s a lot safer to keep your earnings and target prices in line with the hoard of other analysts. If you… Read More

If you’re investing in an industry with a range of headwinds, then it pays to stick with the company that offers the strongest track record, lowest costs and most visible long-term backlog. That’s been my logic in support of First Solar (Nasdaq: FSLR), which… Read More

The first to slump and the last to rally — that’s the usual fate of stocks of smaller companies when the markets wildly gyrate. Their perceived riskiness — relative to blue chips — keeps them in the doghouse, even after the broader market posts… Read More

Despite all the recent negative publicity surrounding solar power, such as diminishing government subsidies due to austerity measures and the Solyndra scandal (the Obama administration gave the company a $528 million loan as a part of the 2008 stimulus package, whereupon the company later went belly-up), the U.S. solar-power industry… Read More

As investors await the outcome of various global crises — from Athens to Washington — they’re going to great lengths to avoid risk. Many are shunning any new stock purchases until confidence can be restored. But some investors aren’t waiting for the “all clear” to sound, snapping up great companies… Read More

When I was in junior high school in the late 1970s, pessimism about the economy was all around. My friends’ parents were uniformly convinced the United States was in the midst of a great decline that would spell trouble for my generation. I… Read More