Value Investing

Back in February, I explained how corporate spinoffs (when a company separates, or “spins off” a division into a separate company) have solid track records of beating the market. I’m usually on the lookout for investment opportunities that pay off within 12 to 18 months, but two… Read More

Many investors tend to ignore stock buyback announcements. Seemingly massive share repurchase programs become a lot less impressive when you realize they are mostly attempting to offset generous stock option grants for insiders by reducing growth in the share count. Adding insult, some… Read More

Michael Dell is surely heaving a sigh of relief. His efforts to revamp his namesake computer company had received little respect on Wall Street, but since last Labor Day, analysts are finally warming up to the stock. Shares have risen more than 30%, and some analysts speak bullishly about… Read More

Imagine showing up to a party and find you’re the only one in the room. This is the lonely feeling many companies experience when they complete their initial public offering (IPO). These companies spend a great amount of energy preparing for their debut,… Read More