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First quarter earnings season is now in full swing. That means not a day will go by without investors getting bombarded with the latest financial report cards from companies around the world — or the endless chatter that accompanies them. Read More

When searching for the best income stocks on the planet, it’s hard to beat master limited partnerships, which often go by the acronym MLPs. These partnerships exist to pass earnings to their shareholders. A variation on… Read More

As the U.S. government builds higher deficits, many investors have sought the safe haven of precious metals – especially gold. Rising government debt loads can trigger inflation and gold bugs see the yellow metal as a safe haven. Silver has often been seen as… Read More

For many years, there were two camps in the video game world: Electronic Arts (Nasdaq: ERTS), and everyone else. The company’s annual sales grew so large that they equaled the revenue base of the next three public players — combined. But corporate bloat set in, and Electronic… Read More