Want To Build Wealth The Easy Way? You Need To Be Reinvesting Dividends…
If you want to learn how to squeeze even more money out of stocks you already own, then the good news is that it’s really simple.
All it really takes is either a couple of clicks of the mouse or simply asking your broker. The unfortunate reality is that many investors don’t take advantage.
That’s too bad because, as I’ll show you in just a moment, with this simple tactic, you’ll be able to:
- Grow your money whether the market goes up or down…
- Buy stocks at a discount in some cases…
- And possibly even turn a small amount of money into a sizeable retirement nest egg — without adding any additional money from your pocket.
Let me explain…
Compounding: The Great Secret To Lasting Wealth
First, to grasp how powerful this is, you may have to change how you think about investing.
Most people believe investing is a crap shoot. You win some, you lose some. Stocks jump up and down. It’s your job to get the most out of this rollercoaster ride by timing the market. Wrong.
I want you to forget all that. The stock market is an opportunity to grow your wealth no matter what’s happening in the world. High interest rates or low interest rates… inflation or deflation… war in the Middle East or tension between superpowers… whatever’s going on, you can grow your retirement nest egg. And you don’t have to worry about timing the market.
How do you do this? By letting your dividends work for you.
In other words, you can use your dividends to protect yourself from market volatility and disruptive macroeconomic events. And the easiest way to do that is by letting them compound…
Compounding is one of the great investing secrets. It doesn’t get much attention because it doesn’t have a catchy name, there’s nothing for anyone to sell you, and it won’t happen overnight. But it’s a key factor that helps the rich get richer.
If you’re not using compounding, it will be hard for you to earn lasting wealth. You’ll depend on timing and playing the market like a lottery. That’s a loser’s game.
Here’s how powerful compounding can be…
If history is any guide, you can expect your investments to grow by 4%, 6%, or even 8% annually. A 6% gain on a $50,000 portfolio may not seem like much, but 6% year after year on an ever-rising base of assets starts to really sizzle. That’s compounding in a nutshell.
Some tend to think of compounding more when it comes to savings accounts or other interest-bearing items. But it also works with stocks. Suppose you set aside $6,000 this year (assuming you’re 40 years old in this example). In addition to the 6% gain on the first year’s investment, suppose you put in another $6,000 in the second year. Keep it up for five years, and you’ve bagged $3,800 in addition to the $30,000 you’ve put in.

Now let’s say you keep it up for another 10 years, picking up 6% annual gains on the nest egg and another $6,000 in freshly injected funds each year. Now compounding is really starting to pick up. You’ve put in $90,000 ($6,000 a year times 15 years) but have a nearly $50,000 gain to show for your efforts.

In the next 10 years, your results will be even better. You’ve now put in $150,000 ($6,000 a year times 25 years) but made even more than that in profits. When you’re looking at 6% gains on $300,000, you’re talking about a good bit of money.

And if you stick with it for 10 more years, you’ll now be sitting on a really impressive pile of cash. By the time you hit 74, you’ll be bagging nearly $40,000 in annual gains — far higher than the $6,000 you’ve been injecting each year.

What’s more, compounding also gives you more time to enjoy life. You don’t have to be glued to the finance channels looking for the next “hot” stock. And you don’t have to worry about what’s happening in the Middle East, China, or Europe — your portfolio is largely unaffected by all that.
Use Dividend Reinvestment To Start Compounding
Compounding can have a profound effect on your net worth. Yet too few people seem to grasp this concept.
But here’s the thing… Investors need to understand that the easiest way to benefit from compounding is by reinvesting your dividends.
Dividend reinvestment is amazingly simple yet tremendously powerful. Here’s how it works…
Instead of cashing your dividend checks every month or quarter, you simply plow them back into your investments to buy more shares. Those dividends then turn into more dividends, which turn into even more dividends, and so on. You don’t have to pay a nickel out of pocket to buy them.
For example, say you own 1,000 shares of Verizon, which currently pays a $2.61 annual dividend. You’ll make $2,610 (1,000 shares multiplied by $2.61) in annual dividend payments. However, if you reinvest that $2,610, it will go straight toward the purchase of more shares.
At today’s prices, that will get you roughly 67 more shares. So by year’s end, you will own 1,067 shares… more than you started out with, and you won’t have to pay a dime for them.
And the $2.61 dividend, multiplied by the now higher number of shares you now own (1,067), means next year’s dividend payments will rise to $2,784 (1,067 shares multiplied by $2.61).
Again, your dividend income grows… and it doesn’t cost you anything. As long as the company keeps paying its dividend, this continues every year, with each year’s dividend pile larger than the previous year’s.
The Easiest Way To Create Long-Term Wealth
Remember, this scenario doesn’t even consider additional purchases of shares through new contributions or any future appreciation, like the first example I showed you.
In an ideal world, you’re reinvesting dividends in a handful of names in your portfolio, making future contributions, and enjoying steady compounding long-term returns.
Either way you look at it, compounding is a simple but powerful notion. And if you start today, you’ll be at the start of a long virtuous cycle that boosts your portfolio value with each passing year.
Unfortunately, many investors don’t look at their portfolios this way. They want to score big-time wins and get rich overnight. And while there’s certainly a time and place for that, it shouldn’t be the main strategy you employ with your portfolio.
On a similar note, if you own dividend payers in your portfolio and plan to own them for the long haul, you should seriously consider reinvesting dividends. (Many brokers offer automatic dividend reinvestment. If you don’t know how to do this, don’t hesitate to ask your broker.)
If you don’t need the money right away, it might be the smartest (and simplest) thing you can do to set yourself up for success.
P.S. If you want to know about my absolute favorite high-yield picks, you need to check out my latest report…
You’ll learn about 12 ultra-generous dividend payers that put more money in your pocket. And the best part? They pay dividends monthly. Go here to learn more now.