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On Tuesday, I brought my Scarcity & Real Wealth subscribers some important news, some of it bad, some of it good. The bad news: rare earth miner Molycorp (NYSE: MCP), one of my favorite stocks in this exciting sector, was down 22% on Tuesday, Sept. 20. Since then, it’s fallen… Read More

A discussion about dividends used to revolve solely around stocks. Not anymore. The evolution of the exchange-traded products business has been a boon to income investors. Dozens of exchange-traded funds (ETFs) now fit into the ”Dividend ETF” classification.. Read More

The brutal market swoon has reminded us of an oft-repeated lesson: even the best companies can get swept up in a downdraft. This across-the-board selling, frequently the result of an economic slowdown, can end up revealing a clear chasm. On the one side are companies that would indeed run into… Read More

The massive government stimulus measures passed by the U.S. Congress in 2009 and 2010 enabled states to continue their work on major municipal projects. New highway spurs were completed, roadbeds were repaved and creaking bridges were shored-up. This not only provided work for individuals at a time when unemployment figures… Read More