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In recent weeks, the only investors to rack up profits have been the short-sellers, who have been riding the downward market to ai their bets on falling stocks. But as stock prices appear to have stabilized (at least for now), should these short-sellers start to think about covering their positions?… Read More

Well, that party sure ended with a thud. The spectacular run enjoyed by many energy exchange-traded funds (ETFs) in the past year has taken a different turn. Specifically, I’m talking about funds that track oil equities. Part of the move higher was certainly attributable to the… Read More

Since the end of the second quarter, the stock market has fallen fast and hard. The major market indexes, including the Dow Jones Industrial Average, S&P 500, and Nasdaq, are down more than 8%. This has wiped out gains for the year, though the Dow has recently rallied back to… Read More

There is one thing is on every investor’s mind right now: safety. As of last week, fears of a global economic slowdown erased close to $3 trillion in market value from U.S. stocks since July 22. #-ad_banner-#And the… Read More

Every two weeks, investors have a chance to parse the level of short interest among all stocks on the major exchanges. It’s helpful to glance at these lists, which can be found on The Wall Street Journal’s website, and elsewhere to see which companies are increasingly in the targets… Read More

Benjamin Graham and David Dodd, widely considered to be the fathers of modern investing philosophy, had a deep affinity for value stocks. They taught disciples such as Warren Buffett to assess companies in the most pessimistic possible scenarios. This makes sense. These men wrote their famous book, Security Analysis, in… Read More

The stock market is a lot like high school. You have the super popular group (tech stocks, social media IPOs, commodity stocks) that runs the place for the time being. Then you have groups in the middle who really don’t make any waves (like a Wells Fargo (NYSE:… Read More